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Stolen scans of my stamps.

One guy, David L. Skinner (Tallahassee, FL), posted some of my scans of stamps on a web site he created at He sells plants of the Zingiberaceae family and has posted some of my stamps of that family. I do not mind that someone does that, but what bothers me about his website is that he sez that he owns the copyright on my images. He probably does this by default about all the images he posts on the his website, weather he created them or not. Bad habit.
You know, I wouldnt mind that much if the copyrigh notice was discreet, but his are so elaborate and accompany each and every image that it becomes obnoxious. On top of that, he disabled the right click button on the mouse for most of his pages. That is so easy to bypass that it will prevent only the less computer savvy people form copying his stuff.
So I've sent him this email:
I see you have posted at many images I have created. You cannot say that you have the copyright over these images. I do, since I have created them. These images are linked from
They are images of MY stamps that I have scanned. I make them available on the web for free as long as they are credited to ME. My name is Pierre Guertin. I insist that you remove all that useless talk about copyright of MY images (and of any image you may have stolen form the web for that matter), and credit MY images to ME. Anyone can sollicit ME for high resolution scans of MY samps for printed publications, and NOT YOU. All that talk about copyright is dishonest. Correct your website now.

Pierre Guertin.

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