I used to have extensive html pages on the now dead geocities web site. Well, not totally dead as it's on in Japan only these days. But for the rest of the world, geocities was closed on 2009 1027. Just before that, I did a mad scramble to transfer all my geocities web pages to google's blogger web site blogspot. But today, I just discovered that an archival web site called oocities archives the now dead geocities web pages. And that yes they do archive my ex pages. They are all there from http://www.oocities.org/clajeux/. Good ol' basic html....
That page leads to the taxonomic list at http://www.oocities.org/clajeux/ListeTaxonomique.html.
From there, links are sometimes still dead. Links to http://www.oocities.org/aildoux/cycas.htm and other oocities.org pages lead to dead ends. Same with pages under http://mywebpage.netscape.com (Netscape's also now dead web pages that I also transfered to Blogger),
On the other hand, some (not all) links to jpg images under http://ca.oocities.com lead to the same jpg but under http://www.oocities.org (like http://ca.oocities.com/clajeux/Vellozia_CongoBelge.jpg leads to http://www.oocities.org/clajeux/Vellozia_CongoBelge.jpg, but not from here, only from the Taxonomic List web page). Same with pages under http://bp3.blogger.com (Blogger's images domain), http://aildoux.blogspot.ca (the Blogger pages you are on now), pages to http://aildoux.tripod.com/index.html, pages to http://www.angelfire.com/dc2/aildesbois/index.html.
Anyway, I'm posting this here mainly as a note to self but also for archival reasons. Could be useful later.
2004 - Major Ports of Malaysia
*Major Ports of Malaysia*
Date of Issue: 24 January 2004
perforation varieties in my collection
30s - P12; P13.5
50s - P12
RM1 - P13.5
3 hours ago